The Wonders of the Chihuahuan Desert

The Chihuahuan Desert Preserve Association (CDPA) is a 501(c)3 charitable association whose mission is to develop, establish, monitor, and maintain adequate and active procedures and programs that lead to conservation of threatened, at risk, recently delisted, or endangered habitats and species of plants and animals through ongoing education, research, restoration of habitat, and the development of outreach activities. This would include, but not be limited to: environmental studies, educational (STEM) programs held at the Blake Williams Biological Research Station on the Preserve, and CDPA scholarships for research opportunities, enhancement/or restoration of habitats, surveys and inventories of species within habitats, propagation and genetic research, and long term programs that are used to preserve a given species and educate the public on the need for conservation, which may ultimately go a long way towards eventually removing these species from the endangered list.

A brief introduction to the Chihuahuan Desert follows, borrowed from a recent publication, The Other Side of Nowhere, by Roy Morey, Texas A&M University Press:

The CD is arguably the largest warm desert in North America, covering as much as 250,000 square miles. From north to south, the CD stretches from Socorro in south-central New Mexico to San Luis Potosí in Mexico; and from the southeast corner of Arizona to the Pecos River in Texas. The southern two-thirds of the CD lies mostly in the Central Plateau of Mexico. The northern one-third reaches into Trans-Pecos Texas, southern New Mexico, and southeastern Arizona.

In Mexico, the CD is bounded on the west by high mountainous terrain of the Sierra Madre Occidental, and on the east by mountains of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Since the Sierra Madre Occidental blocks moisture from the Pacific Ocean, and the Sierra Madre Oriental blocks thunderstorms from the Gulf of Mexico, the CD is known as a rain shadow desert, partly created by the barrier mountains.

Rainfall, averaging less than 10 inches annually, is also limited because the CD experiences only one true rainy season, from July to October, with torrential storms and rapid runoff. Because of the interior location and relatively high elevations (3000-5000 ft), desert winters can be cool or even cold, with periodic frosts. Summers, however, are long and hot, with temperatures regularly reaching above 100 degrees during the day and dropping sharply at night.

The CD is a shrub desert, with a largely limestone substrate, notable for its grasslands. Unlike the Sonoran Desert, which is dominated by large columnar cacti and small trees, the CD’s principal species are shrubs, especially the ubiquitous creosote bush. Many shrubs, such as mesquites, acacias and mimosas, and allthorn, are armed with spines, thorns, or prickles, which protect them from predators.

Semisucculent plants, such as agaves, yuccas, ocotillo, sotol, and candelilla, are adapted to the low rainfall. The widespread lechuguilla, an agave, is endemic, an indicator species of the CD’s geographic limits. Small cacti and medium-sized prickly pear are also characteristic of this shrub desert. Grasses are important but diminished from earlier times.

The CD is part of the Basin and Range Province, a physiographic region reaching from southern Oregon to Mexico, with elongated, north-south-trending mountain ranges alternating with flat, arid, warmer valleys. Due to its large size, isolation between barrier mountains, and elevation differences from mountains to valleys, the CD encompasses many varied habitats, and ranks as one of the world’s most biologically diverse deserts. Many local plant and animal populations have adapted and evolved with minimal outside influence. Up to 3,500 plant species occupy the desert’s microhabitats, and 1,000 of these may occur nowhere else.

(See Hoyt 2002; Ruhlman 2012; Ohl & Cloud 2001; Sanchez 1999).

we cherish the beauty of nature

Preserving the Chihuahuan Desert is our Mission

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We build to preserve the natural beauty of the Chihuahuan Desert

Articles from the Preserve

Latest Chihuahuan Desert News

  • Join the CDPA newsletter to gain more insight about the wonders of the Chihuahuan desert! This month, we talk about Desert Bats!

  • Lean more about different cacti located in the heart of the Preserve. This month we talk about the illustrious Barrel Cactus.

  • The Chihuahuan Desert is home to some of the most unique geology in the world! Located near Big Bend National Park, the Preserve holds an array of different rock formations and geological anomalies.

Dr. Martin Terry
Dr. Martin TerryCDPA Co-Founder and Vice President
Martin Terry was born several hurricanes ago in Houston, Texas, most likely on the south bank of Brays Bayou or one of its tributaries. He was educated at a posh secondary school, thanks to his Presbyterian mother, who en passant taught him the lyrics of Gilbert & Sullivan’s works. He loved — and still loves — the solitude of nature, and the creatures that inhabit it. Even now he admires Leadbelly’s music and a turtle on a log.
Dee Blinka
Dee BlinkaCDPA Co-Founder
Dee fell in love with the Kalahari desert in Africa and when she first set eyes on the Chihuahuan Desert, fell in love a second time. Dee enjoys observing the unique ways each person who experiences the Preserve finds a special part of the desert which speaks to them. She is joyous that those like her who are disabled will still be able to experience the desert albeit with a walker or from their wheelchair. She looks forward to meeting the students who will come to the Field Station and experience a whole new approach to learning with their mentors and professors. The Preserve brings Dee much happiness, and she believes it will also do that for many people for years to come.
Drew Stuart
Drew StuartCDPA Secretary
Drew Stuart grew up in Austin, and lived on both coasts, in Kentucky and for two years in India – where he was a student of Hindu religious traditions – before choosing rural Far West Texas as his home in 2000. His twin interests are “old time and new eternity,” in Thoreau’s words, and he’s a writer whose work is informed by the landscapes of West Texas, and adjacent areas in North America’s arid interior, and their deep human and natural histories.
Olivia Casey
Olivia CaseyCDPA President
Olivia fell in love with the desert southwest when her parents retired to Palmdale, CA and she saw Joshua trees for the first time. Repeated visits through Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah were inspirational, but her first trip to the Big Bend of Texas and surrounding regions instilled a previously untapped passion for preservation. Repeated hikes near Presidio revealed a world of cacti splendor – countless species nestled under creosote and tumbleweed, lodged into rocks, perched improbably on cliff faces.
Stephen Falick
Stephen FalickContributor / Researcher
Stephen’s interest in the outdoors and wildlife started at a very young age with reptiles and amphibians.
However, his interest in birds, in particular, became more serious in early 2017. Since then, he has birded
in nine countries and personally recorded 736 species of birds. Stephen contributes his efforts to the CDPA by studying biology, and aspires to dive into ornithological related work.
Asia Cornelius
Asia CorneliusGraduate Researcher
Asia Cornelius is a master’s degree candidate at Sul Ross State University in Alpine, TX.
She is also a graduate of the Texas Master Gardener Program through the Texas A&M Agrilife extension. Asia’s love for plants began as a teenager, cultivating vegetable gardens with her father. A strong advocate for mental health causes, Asia firmly believes in the concept of using gardening as a catalyst for spurring one’s own personal growth.
Jacob DeVecchio
Jacob DeVecchioCDPA Treasurer
Jacob DeVecchio’s passion for science started when he was 7 years old when his mother purchased his first ant farm kit. Jacob loves to be outside and has an obsession with growing plants and fungi. Some of Jacob’s favorite activities include longboarding, hiking/backpacking, snowboarding & foraging for mushrooms.
Alexine Burke
Alexine BurkeCDPA Newsletter Editor
Alexine’s passion lives inside the wonder of nature. She respects the emotional intelligence and huge matrix of interdependence between all life forms and shares an appreciation for the grandeur of nature. She believes that the natural spaces and the organisms thriving in them are critical to the health of the earth and humankind.



The slender, spiny, woody plant, with woody stems often considerably taller than humans, sporting unmistakable red flowers in the springtime.




The original common name for “lettuce” in Spain was “lechuga” — and the word “lechuguilla” was the Spanish diminutive derivative, “Little Lettuce”. This is a classic example of Spanish irony. When the Spanish Conquistadores arrived from Spain to conquer what is now known as Mexico, they brought much of their native Spanish language with them. In many cases, they would superimpose one of their Spanish words or phrases over the existing Iberian equivalent.

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The Chihuahuan Desert Preserve Associaion

An organization dedicated to the conservation of Chihuahuan Desert habitat